Monday, January 10, 2011

Computer Lab

Each class has now had a chance to learn in computer lab. This time we used a software program called KidPix to create patterns. The kids loved being able to use this fun software to enhance their learning. It's relatively cheap, so I thought I'd post the link where you can buy it for home use if you want. Click HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas A. was soooooo excited he got to do the computer lab Monday and talked non-stop about it all afternoon and evening! He was super excited and said "I could stay in the computer lab all day, all night, for 16 million thousand years." He thought it was super cool that you turn on the computer by "shaking the mouse"??? Okay?? And he got really into describing the graphics. Can't wait to see what this is all about! Thanks for introducing such a great product and learning tool!

    Julie Adamek
