Wednesday, February 2, 2011

100th Day Celebration

Friday, February 11th will be our 100th Day of School Celebration! The kids will be rotating throughout 3 kindergarten classrooms where we have fun stations planned. In one room, the kids will be stamping 100 stamps. In another room, the kids will be making groovy 100s day glasses and in the last room, the kids will be preparing their own special 100s snack! In order to make this event possible, we need the following donations:

1 Costco bag of pretzles
4 boxes (10 oz) of Honey Teddy Grahams

If you are able to donate these items, please leave a comment below indicating which item you will donate.

Please have donations in by next Wednesday. Thank you!


*Note to those families whose child has food allergies. These are the items that the kids will be putting into their snack back at the celebration. They will not be eating them at school however they will be touching these items. If you are concerned about any of these items, you may send in an alternate food choice in a plastic ziploc bag marked with their name. The students will be placing ten of each item listed into a bag, so you would only need to put ten into a ziploc bag.

-Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks
-mini marshmallows
-Swedish Fish
-Gummy Bears
-Cheese Its
-Honey Teddy Grahams


  1. I can send Jade in with 4 boxes of honey teddy grahams.

  2. Ali can bring the Costco-sized bag of pretzels for the p.m. class.
