Friday, October 29, 2010

Party Thank Yous

THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the parties today! The kids had a great time and so did I! Quite an accomplishment. I'm usually a little frazzled after parties, but not this year! Y'all are great!

Shaving Cream Needed

That's right! We're headed into the land of sensory learning next week! The kids will be doing an activity with shaving cream. We need a couple of cans of old fashion, NO gel shaving cream. I bought some at Target the other day for about $1.50. If you can donate a can, leave a comment below. I'm hoping to get 10 cans total. Thank you!

Friday Update

Wow, I cannot believe October is already gone! With its passing however, I feel like we're now in the swing of things! Here are some things we've been doing in class this week!

This week focused on the letter “Mm.” During reading groups, we read “I am Sam.” These books helped to teach us about words with initial “Mm” and words with final “Mm.” We also had some fun reading “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss and identifying words with “Mm.” Our word of the week was “is.”

Everyday Math Concepts: (1) We used concrete materials and pictures to represent and solve addition and subtraction stories. (2) We explored symmetry by using paint and folded paper. (3) We looked for symmetry in natural objects (i.e. leaves, butterflies, etc.) Take a look!

In the spirit of the upcoming holiday, we completed a directed drawing of a scarecrow. I just love how they are all so unique even though they are of the same subject.

Next week, we will be exploring the color BROWN all week long.

Remember to mark your calendars: The book swap is November 4th from 5-8PM with special guest Charlie Williams as "The Noise Guy."(Chaperone's required at this event) Thank you!
- What can I work on at home with my child?
o Read every night at least 15 minutes to or with your child.
o Optional Monthly Homework Calendar
o Practice writing even if it looks like “scribble”. Encourage your child to “best-guess spell” and listen to individual sounds in words. Remind him/her that it does not need to be perfect because we are learning. Just have him/her do his/her best!

Thank you to all my wonderful, fabulous, helpful,kind volunteers! I cannot do this job without you! Your time and talent is so appreciated. Next week starts a new volunteer schedule. More of you will be helping with in class reading groups. I am excited to partner with you in your child's education!

If you do not have a conference scheduled, please contact me. I sent home sign up sheets for those families that did not get a chance to sign up at curriculum night. Please check your child's folder or backpack.

Have a safe and fun weekend! Looks like it will another 'classic' northwest Halloween with blustery conditions for trick-or-treating! I'm hoping my kids wear their costumes (Darth Vader and an owl) long enough for at least one photo opportunity!

Stay warm,
~Mrs. Perry

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Veteran's Star Directions

In honor of Veteran’s Day – Nov. 11, 2010
For this year’s Grand Ridge Veteran’s Day assembly, every student will research a member of his or her family who serves or served in the military (U.S. military, or in another country) and complete a construction-paper star using the following directions. In this way, we would like to honor our veterans, as well as help students research their own families’ contributions. Please have your child bring his or her completed star back to school as soon as possible, and we will collect them from classroom teachers to use as decoration for the assembly.
On the attached star, please write in black marker:
• Line 1: the name of the family member who serves/served in the military
• Linen 2: the branch of the military (and country) the person serves/served in.
• Line 3: your name and grade

Victor Nail
US Army

Carol Brady, 3rd Grade

Parent's Night Out

Holiday Shopping? Need an Evening out with the Spouse? Girls night out!

Kid Night Out! Fun for your Student to come Play Games,
Pizza, and a Movie with Mr. Hogle (PE Teacher) while you go out and play.

Sign up your student to come and play while you go out for the evening.

Another great opportunity for you to participate in Teachers Grants.

December 10, 7pm to 10pm $30 for 3 hours per Grand Ridge Student ~ All proceeds go to the Grizzly Grants for Teachers, limited space available.

Contact Theora Dalupan if you are interested

Letter M Handwriting Poem

Make Munching Mike's back leg first,
then his second leg,
and third,
so he can go munch-munching
in a word.

And Now For Something Totally Unrealated

If you've stepped into our classroom, you've notice I have a 'thing' for owls. As Halloween approaches, I thought I would share these adorable owl items in case like me, you have a 'thing' for owls! :) My Owl Barn

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Class Roster Forms

There are several class roster forms still out. Please take a moment to fill in the information and return the form with your child to class.

If you need another form or prefer to email the information, please contact Lisa Callan at

We need the form whether or not you would like to be in the class directory. Thank you!

Workroom Training

Grand Ridge PTSA is offering three training sessions on using the workrooms at the school. The training sessions will be held on 25th. There will be sessions at 9:30am, 1:00 pm, and 5:30pm.

These sessions are open to anyone who volunteering the class, school or for the PTSA and are highly encouraged by the school.

For our class, if you have signed up for volunteering in the library, computer lab, helping with parties, photography, or art the use of school workroom resources and material may be necessary.

The workrooms provide access to supplies such as color paper, banner paper, poster board, pens, markers, glue, etc. They also provide copying, die cutting, binding, shredding, recycling, paper cutting, hole punching, and stapling equipment. If the project is for our class, the school, and in some cases the PTSA, these resources can be used.

If you need training, but cannot make the scheduled PTSA sessions, Jessica Russi ( and Lisa Callan ( can provide workroom training as well. In most cases, training can be accommodated in conjunction with your volunteer shift at the school. Contact either one to set up a time.

Thank you again for volunteering!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kindergarten Marriage

So, sometimes as a teacher, I get privy to information that parents don't. Then I get to secretly pass it on to you! Then YOU get to have those conversations with your child, not me. :)

There has been some discussion among the kids of marriage. Some kids in are class apparently are going to marry each other...when they're older, they assure me. I told the kids that sometimes when you talk about marriage in kindergarten, it makes some kids uncomfortable so as a rule, we are not going to talk about marriage in kindergarten.

Plus, it's against the law to marry when you're five, I told them. They thought that was hilariously funny.

Anyhow, nothing serious, but just thought you would like to know what your kids are talking about. For some, this may be a sensitive issue, for others it will be harmless kid talk. I'll let you decide which side of the fence you are on and discuss with your child appropriately.

~Mrs. Perry

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Letter S Handwriting Poem

The letter 's' homework is coming home a little late this week. I apologize. However, I hear it is supposed to be rainy this weekend, so what a great indoor activity! :)

Here's the handwriting poem for letter /s/.

Sammy Snake

Start at Sam's head
where he can see.
Stroke down to his tail,
oh so care-ful-ly!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

White Sheet Needed

I am in need of a plain white sheet. It does not have to be a new sheet. In fact, it doesn't even need to be white now that I think about it. I'm going to build a center activity where I will be writing words on the sheet. Let me know if you can donate one.
Thank you!

Center Activity

I need a literacy center made. It's called "Hidden Words". Take 5 small water bottles without a label. Fill it with salt or sand. For each water bottle, you are going to be putting 5 words inside that the kids need to look for. To make this, type up the words and mount them on tag board. I will provide you with the tag board. Put 5 of the words in each bottle. Send the bottles to school with your child.

Interested in creating this activity for us? The first one to leave a comment below indicating they will make it will get the job. :) I'll send the tag board home in your child's backpack.

Here are the words:

1) the, a, my, that, and, I

2) is, said, we, are, you, have

3) to, me, go, do, for

4) he, she, has, with, was

5) not, see, this, of, how

What to Wear and Bring to the Pumpkin Patch

Tomorrow is the pumpkin patch field trip for AM kids! I'm so excited! Please make sure the kids dress in tennis shoes/boots in case of bad weather. They should also have a coat with a hood. No umbrellas please! We will not be having snack time there, so make sure your child has a good breakfast. Remlingers provides the kids with bags to carry their pumpkin in. Each child should pick a pumpkin that they can carry on their own. Chaperones will not be carrying pumpkins for kids. The kids should not bring any toys or cameras. I'm going to bring my camera and hopefully get some good shots. I'll forward them on to you or post them on the blog and you can grab them from there.

All of this information applies to PM kids as well on Friday!

Looking forward to our fun days!
~Mrs. Perry

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Attention Pumpkin Patch Volunteers!

AM volunteers: Please come into the classroom with your child. I will give you your group assignments in the class. Then we will all walk up to the bus together. If you are not a volunteer but are going to the pumpkin patch, please do not come in the classroom. We will just see you there. Feel free to wait in the parking lot and follow the bus though.

PM volunteers: Please arrive a little early. I will be outside to collect the kids as early as 12:15. I will give you your groups outside and then we will walk to the bus together.


Time for some updates!

First of all, I want to sincerely thank everyone for your support and understanding of my absences. I certainly do not like being away but I am in constant pain and need to find a remedy for this back issue. Yesterday I got the results of my MRI and I have a disc problem that is pressing on my spinal column which is causing all the pain. Not a quick fix like I was hoping but at least I know what it is now. I will most likely have to have one more half day absence to get an injection in my back. After that, I hope I'm in the clear for awhile!

If you have not turned in your permission slip and money for the field trip, please do that by Wednesday. Please see previous post about volunteers.

The color of the week is purple, the letter of the week is /s/ and the word of the week is "I". Please make these the topic of conversation throughout the week at your house!

Last week we studied “Dd” in our reading groups. We learned about initial Dd (words with Dd at the beginning) and we learned about final Dd (words with Dd at the end). Our guided reading involved the book, “Dan and Dad.” Please practice “Dan and Dad” with your child! Only through practice can we become better readers! We are becoming more and more familiar with sight words. So far we have been introduced to a, the, my, that, and and. Please practice these words with your child! The more practice they have identifying and writing these words, the easier time they will have incorporating these sight words into their journal writing and recognizing them while reading various books.

In math last week, these were the Everyday Math Concepts: (1) We practiced counting forward by ones from 1-20. (2) We worked on our stroke formation skills to prepare for writing numbers. (3) We sorted coins by their features and discussed the names of the coins. (4) We constructed a number board with numerals 0-10. As we represented numbers with x’s, we discovered a visual pattern.

Thank you so much for encouraging your child to practice letter writing at home. I have noticed a tremendous improvement with handwriting since I began sending these practice papers home! Yeah!! Also, I’d like to recommend a great website which offers many different types of practice pages for the handwriting of letters and numbers (using “Ball and Stick”). I encourage you to check this website out!

Annual vision and hearing screenings will take place on Thursday, October 28th under the direction of our school nurse, Leslie Oakes. She needs 40 volunteers to help with the screenings. Can you be one of them? There will be a morning shift from 9:15-12:00pm and an afternoon shift from 12:15-3:15. Please email for more information or to sign up. A brief training will be provided. Thanks for your help!

Holiday shopping? Need an evening out with your spouse? It's Kids' Night Out! December 10, 7pm-10pm, $30 per child. All proceeds go to the Grizzly Grants for Teachers. Your student will play games, eat pizza, and watch a movie with Mr. Hogle while you go out and play. Sign up now! Only 20 spots available.

What can I work on at home with my child?
o Read every night at least 15 minutes to or with your child.
o Optional Monthly Homework Calendar
o Practice writing even if it looks like “scribble”. Encourage your child to “best-guess spell” and listen to individual sounds in words. Remind him/her that it does not need to be perfect because we are learning. Just have him/her do his/her best!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Field Trip Chaperone

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone at our field trip. The 'official' chaperones have been contacted. For everyone else, you are more than welcome to come to the field trip too! You will have to drive yourself and pay for your own admission. You might want to meet here at the school and follow the bus so you arrive at the same time as us.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Thanks for making apple day so successful! After two parties, I can tell you I am STUFFED full of apple sauce!

Here's the recipe:

12 apples peeled and chopped up small
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar

Add cinnamon, cloves, etc. if you want. Place in slow cooker for 2-3 hours.

* In the applesauce that I made today I used more than 12 apples and cooked it on high all day 5-6 apples. I didn't add water and I didn't add any sugar or spices.

Thanks again to all our volunteers! You are the best! :)

Cups and Spoons Needed

I went to Costco last night and picked up cups and spoons for the applesauce today and when I arrived at work, I realized I forgot them. They are sitting in our other car! If you are able to donate cups or spoons for today's applesauce, could you leave a comment below stating so and how many you will be bringing in.

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

'THAT' Class Book

We are creating class books for the word of the week. Last week we completed the "THAT" book. The students thought of a sentence, I typed it and then they read it back again to the class. Then the sentences were cut apart. They glued them together again in the correct order and illustrated their page.

I am sending home the "THAT" book with:
AM: Charlotte
PM: Hannah

After these students have read the book, they will return it to school and they will give it to someone who has not had the book yet. There is a class list in the front of the book to keep track of who has received the book already.

I hope you enjoy these books and have fun watching everyone grow and develop in their language skills as the year progresses!

Handwriting Poem Letter n

Noisy Nick

Now bang my nail,

Noisy Nick said

Go up and over

around my head.

Handwriting Poem Letter a

Annie Apple

At the leaf begin,

Go round the apple this way.

Then add a line down

so Annie won't roll away.

Handwriting Poem Letter Dd

Here is the handwriting poem that I teach the kids. I prefer that the students use this method even if they are making the letter another way already. This will prepare them for cursive in third grade.

Dippy Duck 'd'

Draw Dippy Duck's back,
Go round her tum
Go up to her head,
Then down you come!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Calling All Artists!

I am looking for some people that would like to help me with creating samples for class projects/literacy activities that involve drawing and coloring. I simply do not have the time to complete a full sample of things. I usually get the first page finished and that's it.

If you would be interested in helping me out in this way, please leave a comment below and I'll start sending things home for you to color!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Substitute Tuesday

I will not be teaching the PM class tomorrow. I have another doctor's appointment for my back. I will be there for the AM class. Thanks for your understanding!

Apple Due Date

Please send in your peeled and chopped apple on Thursday as well as one whole apple.

Crock pots needed

Apple day is Friday but we will be starting some of our cooking on Thursday. I am in need of a few more crock pots. I have one, but I'm thinking I will need two for AM and two for PM. Please leave a comment below if you are able to loan us your crockpot on Thursday and Friday.

Field Trip and Siblings

Some parents have asked whether siblings are allowed. Here's the scoop. If you want to bring siblings on the field trip, you will be asked to drive yourself. You will have to pay admission to Remlingers for you and your younger sibling and you will not be in charge of a group of students but you of course can walk around with us. Basically, you will be going there on your own and we will 'happen' to be there at the same time.

There will only be five 'official' chaperones that will ride the bus with us, have their admission paid and be in charge of a group of students. I will contact those parents this week.

Please let me know if there is anything I am overlooking.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tomorrow's Absence

Just a head's up to let you know that I will not be in class Monday morning. I am going to see a specialist about my back. It still has not fully healed. I also slipped down a flight of stairs at the Husky game on Saturday night that re-aggravated it again. It was quite graceful though. :)

I will be back for the PM session.

Thanks for your understanding with this on-going problem.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes are on Oct. 22nd. If you need retakes and are going on the field trip that day, you will need to come to the school early to get them taken.

Friday Newsletter

Lot's of fun and learning again this week! Here's what we've been up to!

This week was a review week for the sight words (a, my, that, the) and the handwriting (a, n). We began our reading centers this week too. We read the decodable book "That Nan" focusing on letter sounds and using the pictures to make inferences and predictions. We also rotated around to literacy centers. One center focused on recognizing letters by using student names, one was reading a pumpkin poem and drawing pictures and the last was listening to books on a website called Tumblebooks.

As mentioned in an early post, we are working on stamina in writing. The September journals will be coming home soon. I had the first page torn out to put in their portfolios.

Shapes was the focus of this week. The students looked for different shapes in the classroom and created minibooks. They also used a 'feely' box to reach into and try to identify shapes by number of sides. The kids also used playdough to create shapes and letters. Finally, we also talked about direction words (over, beside, under). We continued practicing our handwriting packets to learn how to write the numbers.


A HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated items to the class! You are all SO generous. Thank you for making our classroom more enriched.

Another thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that have come in. You have NO IDEA how valuable you are to me! Thank you for all of the monotonous tasks I have laid out for you to complete and thank you for your enthusiasm when you are working with kids. I hope it has been a positive experience for you!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apple Day

Next Friday, October 15th is APPLE DAY! If possible, please send in: one whole apple and one apple that has been peeled and chopped into tiny pieces. Please send the chopped apple in a disposable bag or container. We will be making crockpot applesauce and doing apple graphing with our apples!

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Forms

Coming home in your child's backpack today is the permission slip and parent volunteer form for the pumpkin patch to Remlinger Farms. If you don't see it in the backpack, send me an email and I'll send along another one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scholastic Class Activation Code



This week we will be focusing on the idea of stamina in writing. The typical child will do some writing, which at this age looks like a drawing and maybe a few words, and then proudly announces, "I'm done!!".

We want to teach the children that they can always add more to their writing and in fact, when they look critically at their writing for a second and third time, those new details often turn out to be their best.

In our classroom this week, we have added a new chart. It's called, "When I'm Done". After the children think they are "done" with their writing, they will be encouraged to:

-add to the picture
-add to the words
-start a new piece of writing

If you would like to support this concept at home, you can in many ways. Keeping a writing journal at home is a wonderful way to make writing valuable to kids. When they are 'done' writing, instead of praising them right away, you could say something like, "Interesting...tell me more about ______" or "your picture looks good but I'm wondering about __________" or "Does this make you think of something else you could write about?"

You can also practice adding stamina into everyday activities. Challenge them to brush their teeth ten seconds more, or read an extra page in a book, walk and extra block on your street, eat just ONE more bite of their least favorite food!

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Year At A Glance

As a grade level team we would like you to know ahead of time what some potential costs may be through- out the year (they may change due to unexpected opportunities). Our hope is to help families with planning and budgeting. Please let us know if you have concerns or needs in order for your child to participate.

Upcoming Estimated Costs:

Oct. Field Trip $20

May Field Trip $20

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Homework Calendar

The October homework calendar was sent home today. It’s optional as well. If you choose to do this with your child, please have him/her complete at least 3 activities each week. This calendar will be due November 1st.