Friday, October 22, 2010

Kindergarten Marriage

So, sometimes as a teacher, I get privy to information that parents don't. Then I get to secretly pass it on to you! Then YOU get to have those conversations with your child, not me. :)

There has been some discussion among the kids of marriage. Some kids in are class apparently are going to marry each other...when they're older, they assure me. I told the kids that sometimes when you talk about marriage in kindergarten, it makes some kids uncomfortable so as a rule, we are not going to talk about marriage in kindergarten.

Plus, it's against the law to marry when you're five, I told them. They thought that was hilariously funny.

Anyhow, nothing serious, but just thought you would like to know what your kids are talking about. For some, this may be a sensitive issue, for others it will be harmless kid talk. I'll let you decide which side of the fence you are on and discuss with your child appropriately.

~Mrs. Perry


  1. One of the many reason why we love your blog! :0)

  2. I feel compelled to correct my grammar because after all, I AM the teacher!

    I wrote: "Some kids in are class apparently" when it should be "Some kids in OUR class apparently"

    I give myself a C+ in grammar today. LOL

  3. Hard not to giggle just a little bit. I like your "it is against the law..." comment. :-)
