Friday, October 1, 2010

October Homework Calendar

The October homework calendar was sent home today. It’s optional as well. If you choose to do this with your child, please have him/her complete at least 3 activities each week. This calendar will be due November 1st.


  1. Thank you, it looks like a great month of fun activities.

    On another note, can you remind us the due date for the Scholastic book orders and the on-line activation code for our class.

    Thank you and have a great weekend!

  2. Can you update us on the things you still need for your classroom? (I'm thinking of the things from the apple tree/bush from Curriculum night :)

  3. Well, we could use a couple of carpet squares or something similar and some paint brushes. :)

  4. I took the paint brush apple - I just haven't gotten to Bellevue yet...I plan on picking them up this week.
