Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Green Folders

Today we are instituting another new procedure! I know, I know... Please hold your applause.

Green communication folders are being sent out today. Every child in the school has one of these folders. Any papers or information being sent to you from me or the school will be in this folder and (hopefully) placed carefully in the "keep at home" side. Any papers or information that comes from you needs to be placed in the "return to school" side.

Please help me reinforce this at home by correcting any papers that are just shoved in the folder and not placed in the correct side. Thank you!


  1. Thank you Mrs. Perry for all communication. It makes our lifes much easier. Kylie is very excited and asking everyday about THE field trip to the pumpking patch. One question on another subject. The Barbie basket being created for our class, does it have an specific theme? It will make it much easier to know what to shop for.

    Have a great day and thank you again!

    Mimy La Rose (Kylie's mom)

  2. All I know about the Barbie Basket is just that: Barbies! I have boys, so I'm not familiar with all the different types of Barbies.

    Perhaps contact the PTSA.
