Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hooray for the First Day!

We did it! Each class has now had their first day of kindergarten! What a big step. I have had so much fun these past two days. I really enjoy the kids excitement. This afternoon after reading a book called, Kingergarten Here I Come! one of the students burst out "I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT KINDERGARTEN!" So cute.

This week the kids have been learning about school behaviors like walking in the hall, raising their hand and sitting on their bottoms at the story area. They have also been introduced to the calendar routine and have learned a new song to go with it. Ask your child if they can sing it to you!

In your mailbox was a birthday letter note and a September calendar. Both are optional but recommended.

Thank you for sending in your child's paper doll. They are hang up outside the classroom. If you lost yours, please send me a note or email and I'll send another one.

We are in need of 'emergency' snacks. A few kids didn't have snack yesterday and I would love to be able to provide something for them. I bought a pack of cheese and crackers from Costco last night for those kiddos but I know I will run out soon. Please send in bulk items rather than just one extra snack in your child's backpack. This way I can make sure that all the kids who forgot snack can have something. Thank you!

Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 22nd from 6-715pm. I’ll be sharing our kindergarten curriculum with you. Please do not bring any children to this event.

Optional Homework Ideas:
Read every night, at least 15 minutes to or with your child.
Practice writing even if it looks like “scribble.” Encourage your child to “best-guess spell” and listen to individual sounds in words. *Remind him/her that it doesn’t have to be perfect because we are learning

Morning drop off:
I know it has seemed crazy in the morning trying to find our "line". Technically, we don't have a "line". The kids are just supposed to wait in that area. Eventually I will not be going out to greet them so there would not be a need for a line. Right now, however, I am standing out there and trying to form a line so our class will be altogether. We will now be waiting out there until AFTER the big kids leave instead of BEFORE the biggers leave. If the covered area is still to hectic for your little one, just wait to the side with them and they can join the line once it is less crowded or when we start walking back to the room. Thank you for your patience with this new routine.

Thank you for your cooperation at dismissal. It is really important for me to bring the kids out in a line and check them off one by one. I know some of your kids are so excited to see you and try to bolt from the line but I have noticed your encouraging them to get back in line. Thank you!! I also wanted to thank you for not grabbing your child early and waiting until we get out in Grand Central. It makes my job much easier.

I think that's it for now! Enjoy your holiday weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday!
~Mrs. Perry


  1. Thank you SO much for this feedback - it makes it so easy for parents to keep up with what is going on in class! Also, your words around the drop off procedure are so helpful!

  2. I second the thank you. This is a fabulous tool. I feel like I have a window into the classroom, and guidance on what you need from me. Super helpful. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for walking us through this first week of Kindergarten. This is our first child to go to school and your blog really helps us to understand and become comfortable with the school's process.

    Nicholas really enjoyed his first week and keeps talking about the Dave Jackson stories - we know all about this character:) Thank You!

    Maria Elena and Greg Graham

  4. Thank you Mrs. Perry for taking the time to create such a fun and informative site for us the parents. Now is going to be much easier to obtain the answer to the typical "what you do today at school" question. Thanks again and looking forward to a fun new school year!

    Mimy La Rose (Kylie's mom)
