Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Math Lesson 1.1 Comparing Length

Today in your child's mailbox (tomorrow if PM) is a white paper with a drawing on it. This is a drawing of our math activity today. The kids each received a piece of paper. They had to walk around comparing strips of paper with each other looking for the person who had the same length of paper. Our vocabulary words for this lesson were:
same length

You can support this concept at home by choosing an item in your house and then having your child search the house for something that is the same size. Encourage them to use the math vocabulary. If you want to extend their thinking, you can create a list of all the items that are shorter, longer and the same size as their object.

Have fun!


  1. What a great way to learn and have fun while doing math. Thank you for the suggestion! Kylie was really excited to tell me that she did some math at school today and that her piece of paper was the same size as Nicholas. Also thanks for the snack reminder it makes it much easier to consider the snack dilema.

  2. Owen really liked this lesson as well.
    PS - the photos outside the class look wonderful!!
