Friday, September 17, 2010

Newsletter: September 17, 2010

Dear Families,
Our learning is really happening now! Most of the kids are familiar with classroom procedures, so we are spending more time on content rather than routines. Here’s what we’ve been up to!
Math: This week we focused on the idea of sorting. We found out that we can sort many objects according to their attributes. We sort ourselves, pattern blocks and other items in the classroom. We also learned to identify objects of a certain number. For example, 4 tables, 8 colors in a paint container, etc. We have explored the concepts of volume and patterns as well this week.
Reading: This week we are working on a language activity called My Kindergarten Family. The kids read the sentence and draw a picture that goes along with the sentence. This also meets our social studies goals as well.
Writing: We are continuing to write in our September journals. I have fun reading what stories the children have in their heads!
Art: This week, we focused on the 5 Art B’s: Making all your art, Big, Bright, Bold, Beautiful and have a Background. Their artwork is really transforming! It’s fun to watch.
Here are some reminders of events coming up:
Last call for donations for our class Gift Basket for the Silent Auction! If you haven’t sent in your donation, please send it in on Monday, September 20. Let’s make our class basket earn the most money for our school!
Curriculum night is on Wednesday September 22nd. It starts promptly at 6:00 and ends at 7:15. Please arrange childcare for this night as we request children NOT attend. Thank you!
Thank you so much for keeping up with green “home/school folders.” This is a great way for us to get papers home to you and for you to get papers and/or notes to me. They are becoming such responsible kindergartners!

Next week, we will begin our study of colors. We will be exploring RED all week long. If possible, please have your child wear red clothing on Friday, September 24th.
Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Perry


  1. The Art B's!! Now I get it. Owen was asking me to remind him what the "Five kinds of B's" were. I tried "honey bees, hornets, yellow-jackets" then school rules like "Be Kind, Be Friendly" neither of which sufficed... How is it that my kindergartener can make me feel so inadequate?! :)
