Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bus Zone

Many parents have been parking in the bus zone right outside of Grand Central for pick up and drop off. This was okay for awhile, however we now have students who ride the bus and the buses are not able to access the bus parking.

Please park your car in the parking lot or somewhere else on the street so we can leave the bus zone open during drop off and pick up times.

Thank you!


  1. That's too bad!! Is there any way we could use the top half and leave the bottom half open for buses? How many buses are there? 1 or 2 of the smaller ones?

  2. Michelle talked with Kinder Care and they have requested that we leave 7 parking spots available directly in front of the stairs (middle of the bus lane).

  3. Not sure about leaving spaces. The official word is that these spaces need to be left open. If you have questions feel free to contact Christy or Leslie.
