Friday, January 28, 2011

School Wide Postal Service

There will be a school wide postal service the week of 7th- 11th and your child can send their friends a letter or note through the “mail”. You may send your child a letter through school mail, too! Letters must be labeled with the each student’s first and last name and their room # (this must be written legibly!). There must also be a return address of the sender’s first name, last initial and room #. No actual stamp is required. Simply attach a sticker or have your child draw his/her own “stamp”.
I encourage everyone to write a short note on each piece of mail they send. This is a great time to get to practice some real world writing!
I will be sending all the kids in my class a piece of mail so that no one will be without, however, the more mail you send the more likely you are to receive! So if your child is really interested in receiving mail, please remind them that they need to send mail to others too!
If you are interested in participating in this activity, please have your child bring the completed postcard with them to school between Feb. 7-11th and we’ll drop it off in our hallway mailbox.


  1. What is your class room #? If we (as parents) decide to send them a letter, do we need to drop it off ourselves in the hallway mailbox?

  2. I asked Jen - the room number is 164
