Dear Families,
The kindergarten team is getting ready for assessments in February/March. We formally assess the students three times a year so this will be our second formal assessment. Our third assessment will be done in June. The results of this assessment (as well as other work samples i.e. student journals) will be on the report card in March. These are the concepts that will be assessed:
o Can they write their first & last name using upper & lowercase letters correctly?
o Can they recognize the upper & lowercase letters? (n, a, d, s, m, i, t, c, o, f, r, p, l, u)
o Do they know the sounds each of those letters make?
o Can they read the sight words? (the, a, my, that, and, I, is, said, we, are, you, have, to, me, go, do)
o Can they sound out and read 3-letter words?
o Can they write the upper & lowercase letters correctly (using lined paper) from memory? (n, a, d, s, m, i, t, c, o, f, r, p, l, u)
o Can they retell a familiar story in their own words?
o Can they make predictions using the title, cover, and pictures of a book?
o Can they write using letter sounds (best-guess spelling)?
o Do they capitalize the word “I” in their writing?
o Are they using detail and color in their drawings?
o Can they recognize rhyming words and produce their own?
o Are they able to isolate the sound they hear at the beginning of a word?
o Can they count by 1’s from 1-30?
o Can they count backwards from 10-0?
o Can they count by 5’s from 5-50?
o Can they count by 10’s from 10-50?
o Can they write numbers 10-30?
o Can they read #’s 10-30?
o Can they order #’s 1-10 using flashcards?
o Can they identify a triangle, square, circle, and rectangle?
o Can they identify shapes have line symmetry?
o Can they extend, describe, and create (ab, aabb, aab, etc.) patterns?
o Can they count & sort a group of objects?
o Can they identify the four seasons and different kinds of weather?
o Do they listen and follow directions?
o Do they respond to verbal and non-verbal clues in situations?
o Do they show respect to adults and peers?
o Are they on task during work times?
o Do they contribute appropriately during classroom activities?